FAMILY ACTIVITY: Creating a peaceful protest sign
Dearest MAR, We are fully aware of the authors journalistic (Media) approach to introducing this activity. (Many bias are present, believe it or not) This is actually why this activity was choosen. Some of us will delve into the activity in excitement. Others may take offense to the activity. This is where the hard part comes in... MAR WORK: We ask that you refrain from posting your personal reservations about the activity.Instead, we ask that you write down your experience, thoughts, feelings, and even frustrations.
What if we can't do the protest, but would like to discuss?
Doing the work. Starting At Home
If you elect not to participate in the activity, we ask that you document your thoughts on the activity and why you did not participate. We will use the time in our Focus Group Discussions to address the outcomes. Survey Upload Date: June 5, 2020 MAR Group Discussions: June 6-8, 2020 *Afternoon: 3:30 PM; Evening 7:30 PM) We will share the "Discussion Sign-up" in the Unit section on June 5th. For this introductory activity we will conduct a collective MAR Group ZOOM Session & break out rooms.